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Admin interface

Django docs

The Django admin site

The configuration values that can be stored in the application database are managed directly in the Django Admin interface at the /admin endpoint.

Single sign-on authentication is supported by the admin interface using django-google-sso.

Environment variables

django-google-sso docs

All settings for django-google-sso

Configuration of django-google-sso in Benefits settings

These environment variables must be set in your .env file to use the admin interface locally:


The Google OAuth 2.0 Web Application Client ID.


The Google OAuth 2.0 Project ID.


The Google OAuth 2.0 Web Application Client Secret.


List of domains that will be allowed to create users.


List of emails that will be created as staff.

“Staff” refers to Django’s concept of a user with is_staff set to True, which means they can log in, and also to the Cal-ITP Benefits concept of a user who should have a “Cal-ITP staff” level of access to configuration values.


List of emails that will be created as superuser.

To add a new user:

  • Add the user’s email to either GOOGLE_SSO_STAFF_LIST or GOOGLE_SSO_SUPERUSER_LIST depending on what permissions they should have.
    • The email must be from a domain that is in the GOOGLE_SSO_ALLOWABLE_DOMAINS list.
  • Restart the Benefits application so that Django settings are re-loaded.
  • Have the user log in to the admin interface with their Google account.