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Automated tests


The tests done at a request/unit level are run via pytest-django.

To run locally, start the Devcontainer and run:


The helper script:

  1. Runs the tests with pytest
  2. Calculates test coverage with coverage
  3. Generates a coverage report in HTML in the app’s static/ directory

The report can be viewed by launching the app and navigating to http://localhost:$DJANGO_LOCAL_PORT/static/coverage/index.html

The report files include a local .gitignore file, so the entire directory is hidden from source control.

Latest coverage report

We also make the latest (from main) coverage report available online here: Coverage report


For testing the app flows from beginning to end, we use Playwright.

To run all Playwright tests locally, open a terminal outside the devcontainer and run:

docker compose run --rm playwright

Running in headed mode

To run Playwright in headed mode, you need to enable X11 forwarding.

Some steps are required for macOS and Windows to check that you have an X Server.


macOS doesn’t provide a built-in X Server, so you’ll need to install XQuartz which will provide one:

  • Install XQuartz: brew install --cask xquartz
  • Open XQuartz, go to Preferences -> Security, and check “Allow connections from network clients”
  • Restart your computer (restarting XQuartz might not be enough)
  • Start XQuartz with xhost +localhost


Windows provides an X Server as a part of Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

To verify that WSL and WSL GUI are installed and running:

  • Launch WSL from the Start Menu
  • In the Linux terminal that opens, verify that the directory /mnt/wslg exists by running:

    ls -a -w 1 /mnt/wslg

    and that it contains these files:


If you don’t see WSL in the Start Menu or the ls command fails, you need to install WSL.

Set DISPLAY environment variable

In your .env file, set DISPLAY to the value for your operating system:

  • macOS: host.docker.internal:0
  • Linux: $DISPLAY
  • Windows: :0

For example, for macOS, you’d add this line to your .env file:


Run all tests in headed mode

In tests/playwright/pytest.ini, add --headed to addopts, and run all tests with the same command as before:

docker compose run --rm playwright

Use Playwright GUI tools

Start a bash session inside the playwright container:

docker compose run --rm playwright /bin/bash

From here, you can use the playwright CLI and any of the GUI tools it provides. Run playwright --help to see different commands you can run.

For example, to launch a Chrome window with a Playwright Inspector attached to it, run:

playwright cr

Screenshot showing a Chrome window with Playwright Inspector attached to it