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1import os 

2import logging 


4from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError 

5from django.contrib.auth.models import Group, User 

6from django.db import models 

7from django.urls import reverse 


9from benefits.core import context as core_context 

10from benefits.eligibility import context as eligibility_context 

11from benefits.routes import routes 

12from .common import PemData, SecretNameField 


14logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) 



17def _agency_logo(instance, filename, size): 

18 base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) 

19 return f"agencies/{instance.slug}-{size}" + ext 



22def agency_logo_small(instance, filename): 

23 return _agency_logo(instance, filename, "sm") 



26def agency_logo_large(instance, filename): 

27 return _agency_logo(instance, filename, "lg") 



30class TransitProcessor(models.Model): 

31 """An entity that applies transit agency fare rules to rider transactions.""" 


33 id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) 

34 name = models.TextField(help_text="Primary internal display name for this TransitProcessor instance, e.g. in the Admin.") 

35 api_base_url = models.TextField(help_text="The absolute base URL for the TransitProcessor's API, including https://.") 

36 card_tokenize_url = models.TextField( 

37 help_text="The absolute URL for the client-side card tokenization library provided by the TransitProcessor." 

38 ) 

39 card_tokenize_func = models.TextField( 

40 help_text="The function from the card tokenization library to call on the client to initiate the process." 

41 ) 

42 card_tokenize_env = models.TextField(help_text="The environment in which card tokenization is occurring.") 

43 portal_url = models.TextField( 

44 default="", 

45 blank=True, 

46 help_text="The absolute base URL for the TransitProcessor's control portal, including https://.", 

47 ) 


49 def __str__(self): 

50 return 



53class TransitAgency(models.Model): 

54 """An agency offering transit service.""" 


56 id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True) 

57 active = models.BooleanField(default=False, help_text="Determines if this Agency is enabled for users") 

58 slug = models.SlugField( 

59 choices=core_context.AgencySlug, 

60 help_text="Used for URL navigation for this agency, e.g. the agency homepage url is /{slug}", 

61 ) 

62 short_name = models.TextField( 

63 default="", blank=True, help_text="The user-facing short name for this agency. Often an uppercase acronym." 

64 ) 

65 long_name = models.TextField( 

66 default="", 

67 blank=True, 

68 help_text="The user-facing long name for this agency. Often the short_name acronym, spelled out.", 

69 ) 

70 info_url = models.URLField( 

71 default="", 

72 blank=True, 

73 help_text="URL of a website/page with more information about the agency's discounts", 

74 ) 

75 phone = models.TextField(default="", blank=True, help_text="Agency customer support phone number") 

76 eligibility_api_id = models.TextField( 

77 help_text="The identifier for this agency used in Eligibility API calls.", 

78 blank=True, 

79 default="", 

80 ) 

81 eligibility_api_private_key = models.ForeignKey( 

82 PemData, 

83 related_name="+", 

84 on_delete=models.PROTECT, 

85 help_text="Private key used to sign Eligibility API tokens created on behalf of this Agency.", 

86 null=True, 

87 blank=True, 

88 default=None, 

89 ) 

90 eligibility_api_public_key = models.ForeignKey( 

91 PemData, 

92 related_name="+", 

93 on_delete=models.PROTECT, 

94 help_text="Public key corresponding to the agency's private key, used by Eligibility Verification servers to encrypt responses.", # noqa: E501 

95 null=True, 

96 blank=True, 

97 default=None, 

98 ) 

99 transit_processor = models.ForeignKey( 

100 TransitProcessor, 

101 on_delete=models.PROTECT, 

102 null=True, 

103 blank=True, 

104 default=None, 

105 help_text="This agency's TransitProcessor.", 

106 ) 

107 transit_processor_audience = models.TextField( 

108 help_text="This agency's audience value used to access the TransitProcessor's API.", default="", blank=True 

109 ) 

110 transit_processor_client_id = models.TextField( 

111 help_text="This agency's client_id value used to access the TransitProcessor's API.", default="", blank=True 

112 ) 

113 transit_processor_client_secret_name = SecretNameField( 

114 help_text="The name of the secret containing this agency's client_secret value used to access the TransitProcessor's API.", # noqa: E501 

115 default="", 

116 blank=True, 

117 ) 

118 staff_group = models.OneToOneField( 

119 Group, 

120 on_delete=models.PROTECT, 

121 null=True, 

122 blank=True, 

123 default=None, 

124 help_text="The group of users associated with this TransitAgency.", 

125 related_name="transit_agency", 

126 ) 

127 sso_domain = models.TextField( 

128 blank=True, 

129 default="", 

130 help_text="The email domain of users to automatically add to this agency's staff group upon login.", 

131 ) 

132 customer_service_group = models.OneToOneField( 

133 Group, 

134 on_delete=models.PROTECT, 

135 null=True, 

136 blank=True, 

137 default=None, 

138 help_text="The group of users who are allowed to do in-person eligibility verification and enrollment.", 

139 related_name="+", 

140 ) 

141 logo_large = models.ImageField( 

142 default="", 

143 blank=True, 

144 upload_to=agency_logo_large, 

145 help_text="The large version of the transit agency's logo.", 

146 ) 

147 logo_small = models.ImageField( 

148 default="", 

149 blank=True, 

150 upload_to=agency_logo_small, 

151 help_text="The small version of the transit agency's logo.", 

152 ) 


154 def __str__(self): 

155 return self.long_name 


157 @property 

158 def index_context(self): 

159 return core_context.agency_index[self.slug].dict() 


161 @property 

162 def index_url(self): 

163 """Public-facing URL to the TransitAgency's landing page.""" 

164 return reverse(routes.AGENCY_INDEX, args=[self.slug]) 


166 @property 

167 def eligibility_index_context(self): 

168 return eligibility_context.eligibility_index[self.slug].dict() 


170 @property 

171 def eligibility_index_url(self): 

172 """Public facing URL to the TransitAgency's eligibility page.""" 

173 return reverse(routes.AGENCY_ELIGIBILITY_INDEX, args=[self.slug]) 


175 @property 

176 def eligibility_api_private_key_data(self): 

177 """This Agency's private key as a string.""" 

178 return 


180 @property 

181 def eligibility_api_public_key_data(self): 

182 """This Agency's public key as a string.""" 

183 return 


185 @property 

186 def transit_processor_client_secret(self): 

187 secret_field = self._meta.get_field("transit_processor_client_secret_name") 

188 return secret_field.secret_value(self) 


190 @property 

191 def enrollment_flows(self): 

192 return self.enrollmentflow_set 


194 def clean(self): 

195 field_errors = {} 


197 if 

198 message = "This field is required for active transit agencies." 

199 needed = dict( 

200 short_name=self.short_name, 

201 long_name=self.long_name, 


203 info_url=self.info_url, 

204 logo_large=self.logo_large, 

205 logo_small=self.logo_small, 

206 ) 

207 if self.transit_processor: 207 ↛ 215line 207 didn't jump to line 215 because the condition on line 207 was always true

208 needed.update( 

209 dict( 

210 transit_processor_audience=self.transit_processor_audience, 

211 transit_processor_client_id=self.transit_processor_client_id, 

212 transit_processor_client_secret_name=self.transit_processor_client_secret_name, 

213 ) 

214 ) 

215 field_errors.update({k: ValidationError(message) for k, v in needed.items() if not v}) 


217 if field_errors: 

218 raise ValidationError(field_errors) 


220 @staticmethod 

221 def by_id(id): 

222 """Get a TransitAgency instance by its ID.""" 

223 logger.debug(f"Get {TransitAgency.__name__} by id: {id}") 

224 return TransitAgency.objects.get(id=id) 


226 @staticmethod 

227 def by_slug(slug): 

228 """Get a TransitAgency instance by its slug.""" 

229 logger.debug(f"Get {TransitAgency.__name__} by slug: {slug}") 

230 return TransitAgency.objects.filter(slug=slug).first() 


232 @staticmethod 

233 def all_active(): 

234 """Get all TransitAgency instances marked active.""" 

235 logger.debug(f"Get all active {TransitAgency.__name__}") 

236 return TransitAgency.objects.filter(active=True) 


238 @staticmethod 

239 def for_user(user: User): 

240 for group in user.groups.all(): 

241 if hasattr(group, "transit_agency"): 

242 return group.transit_agency # this is looking at the TransitAgency's staff_group 


244 # the loop above returns the first match found. Return None if no match was found. 

245 return None