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Get the executable

hashfields is a command-line executable program. Get the latest release for your platform:

Download a pre-built binary

From the Releases page

Install from source

Clone and install from the main branch:

git clone

cd hashfields

pip install -e .

Run the executable

$ hashfields --help

usage: hashfields [-h] [-v] [-a {sha256,sha384,sha512}] [-t DELIMITER]
                  [-d DROP [DROP ...]] [-s SKIP [SKIP ...]]
                  [-i INPUT] [-o OUTPUT]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -a {sha256,sha384,sha512}, --alg {sha256,sha384,sha512}
                        The hash algorithm to use.
  -t DELIMITER, --delimiter DELIMITER
                        Field delimiter in the input data.
  -d DROP [DROP ...], --drop DROP [DROP ...]
                        Column names to drop from the output.
  -s SKIP [SKIP ...], --skip SKIP [SKIP ...]
                        Column names to skip hashing in the output.
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        Readable location for input data.
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Writable location for output results.

Providing input to hashfields


By default hashfields reads from stdin. Pipe data in the Unix-style:

echo "one,two,three" | hashfields

File input

Alternatively, hashfields can read from a file:

hashfields --input /path/to/file.csv

hashfields Output


By default hashfields writes to stdout:

$ echo "one,two,three" | hashfields

File output

Alternatively, hashfields can write to a file:

hashfields --output /path/to/file.csv