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Application logic

See also

More specific user flow diagrams: Enrollment pathways

This page describes how Cal-ITP Benefits defines user flows through the following high-level phases:

  1. Initial setup
  2. Identity proofing
  3. Eligibility verification
  4. Enrollment
flowchart LR
    entry[Initial setup]
    identity[Identity proofing]
    eligibility[Eligibility verification]
    style complete stroke-width:2px

    start --> entry
    entry --> identity
    identity --> eligibility
    eligibility --> enrollment
    enrollment --> complete

The structure of the source code in benefits/ generally follows from these phases:

Each of these directories contains a standalone Django app registered in the settings.

All of the common logic and database models and migrations are defined in benefits.core, and this app is imported by the other apps.

Django request pipeline

Each request to the Benefits app is ultimately a Django request and goes through the Django HTTP request pipeline.

Benefits uses middleware to pre- and post-process requests for (view) access control, session configuration, and analytics. Benefits also uses context processors to enrich the Django template context with data needed for rendering on the front-end.

In general, the flow of a Django request looks like:

flowchart LR
    style user stroke-width:2px

    pre_middleware[Request middleware]
    view_middleware[View-specific middleware]
    context[Context processors]
    view[View function]
    post_middleware[Response middleware]

    user -- Request --> pre_middleware
    pre_middleware -- Request --> view_middleware
    view_middleware -- Request --> context
    context -- Request --> view
    view -- Response --> post_middleware
    post_middleware -- Response --> user

Initial setup

In this phase, the user makes the initial selections that will configure the rest of their journey.

flowchart LR

    pick_agency["`Agency picker
    eligibility(("`Eligibility type
    next>"`_Next phase_`"]
    style next stroke-width:2px

    start -- "1a. Lands on index" --> pick_agency
    start -- "1b. Lands on agency index" --> agency
    %% invisible links help with diagram layout
    start ~~~ session
    start ~~~ agency

    pick_agency -- 2. Chooses agency --> agency
    agency -- 3. Chooses enrollment pathway --> eligibility

    eligibility -- 4. continue --> next

    agency -. update -.-o session
    eligibility -. update -.-o session
    eligibility -. selected enrollment flow -.-o analytics

Depending upon the choice of enrollment pathway, the Next phase above may be:

Identity proofing

In this phase, Cal-ITP Benefits takes the user through an OpenID Connect (OIDC) flow as a Client (the Relying Party or RP) of the CDT Identity Gateway (the Identity Provider or IDP), via

The CDT Identity Gateway transforms PII from into anonymized boolean claims that are later used in eligibility verification.

flowchart LR

    start((Initial setup))
    style start stroke-dasharray: 5 5

    benefits[Benefits app]
    Identity Gateway`"]]
    claims((Claims received))

    style next stroke-width:2px

    start -- 1. Clicks login button --> benefits
    %% invisible links help with diagram layout
    start ~~~ session

    benefits -- 2. OIDC authorize_redirect --> idg
    benefits -. started sign in  -.-o analytics

    idg <-. "3. PII exchange" .-> logingov
    idg -- 4. OIDC token authorization --> claims

    claims -- 5. continue --> next
    claims -. update .-o session
    claims -. finished sign in -.-o analytics

Eligibility verification

In this phase, Cal-ITP Benefits verifies the user’s claims using one of two methods:

  • Claims validation, using claims previously stored in the user’s session during Identity proofing
  • Eligibility API verification, using non-PII claims provided by the user in an HTML form submission

Key supporting files


flowchart LR

    style start stroke-dasharray: 5 5

    claims[Session claims check]
    form[HTTP form POST]
    server[[Eligibility Verification server]]

    style next stroke-width:2px


    start -- Eligibility API verification --> form
    form -- Eligibility API call --> server
    form -. started eligibility -.-o analytics
    server --> eligible

    start -- Claims validation --> claims
    session -.-o claims
    claims --> eligible
    claims -. started eligibility -.-o analytics

    eligible -- Yes --> next
    eligible -- No --> stop
    eligible -. update .-o session
    eligible -. returned eligibility -.-o analytics


In this final phase, the user registers their contactless payment card with a concession group configured within the transit processor (Littlepay).

Cal-ITP Benefits never processes, transmits, nor stores the user’s payment card details.

Supporting packages


%% Enrollment phase
    actor user as User
    participant benefits as Benefits app
    participant littlepay as Littlepay
    participant analytics as Analytics

user->>benefits: starts enrollment phase
    activate user
benefits-->>user: display enrollment index
user->>littlepay: GET tokenization lib (AJAX)
littlepay-->>user: tokenization lib .js
user->>benefits: GET card tokenization access token (AJAX)
    deactivate user
    activate benefits
benefits->>littlepay: GET API access token
littlepay-->>benefits: access token
benefits->>littlepay: GET card tokenization access token
littlepay-->>benefits: access token
benefits-->>user: access token
    deactivate benefits
    activate user
user->>user: click to initiate payment card collection
user-->>user: display Littlepay overlay
user-->>analytics: started card tokenization
user->>littlepay: provides debit or credit card details
littlepay-->>user: card token
user-->>analytics: finished card tokenization
user->>benefits: POST back card token
    deactivate user
    activate benefits
benefits->>littlepay: GET API access token
littlepay-->>benefits: access token
benefits->>littlepay: GET funding source from card token
littlepay-->>benefits: funding source
benefits->>littlepay: enroll funding source in group
benefits-->>analytics: returned enrollment
    deactivate benefits