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Configuring the Eligibility server

The Getting Started section mentions copying .env.sample to .env as a template. These sample values are sufficient to configure the server to be run locally.

If you want to run with different settings, you should:

  1. Create a new Python configuration file in the config directory
  2. Provide a value for IMPORT_FILE_PATH (required) and any other settings you want to override (optional)
  3. Set the ELIGIBILITY_SERVER_SETTINGS environment variable to the path of your new file


The Eligibility server loads in settings using Flask’s methods for Configuration Handling.


The default settings that will always be loaded are in eligibility_server/

Creating a new keypair


The sample keys cannot be used for production. You must create and use a new keypair.

To create a new keypair, start by creating the private key e.g. using OpenSSL:

openssl genrsa -out private.pem -traditional 4096

Next, extract the public key e.g. using OpenSSL:

openssl rsa -in private.pem -pubout -out public.pem

Now there are two files:

  • The private key, kept secret for this server instance only: private.pem
  • The public key, shared with all clients of this server: public.pem

The server instance also needs a public key reference from its client, so the above process should be repeated on the client- side and the client’s public key should be shared with the server.