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Agency Onboarding Runbook

Onboarder prerequisites

Onboarder refers to the person performing the agency onboarding. Oboarder requires: - Editor access to google cloud project - the following command line tools: - git - gcloud - gsutil - clone two git repos: graas & graas-agency-keys.

TODO: dockerize onboarding

Agency prerequisites

  • agency must have a publicly available static GTFS URL, including headsigns for each trip. You can verify that a given URL is valid by
  • downloading the contents of the URL with the command curl -o <agency-gtfs-url>
  • unpacking the zip with unzip
  • this should yield files like agency.txt, trips.txt, routes.txt, etc.
  • agency needs to provide a list of vehicle IDs to uniquely identify each service vehicle. For smaller agencies who don't have existing vehicle IDs, this could be the last three digits of the VIN
  • agency needs to provide a list of friendly trip names for the drivers to choose from when starting the web app. The default way of naming trips is to combine the head sign for each trip with the departure time at the first stop, e.g. Venice Beach @ 3:05 pm. If the agency doesn't find this scheme acceptable, then they need to provide a list of trip names. There is a tool available here that automatically generates a list of trip names in the default scheme.

Create service data for agency

  • Go to agencies.yml, a Cal-ITP source-of-truth, in order to determine the agency-id for this agency.
  • Create a new branch
  • From graas/server/agency-config/gtfs, run the command ./ <id>. This will create a directory for the agency at graas/server/agency-config/gtfs/gtfs-aux/<agency-id>, containing 3 files:
    • agency-params.json
    • trip-names.json
    • vehicle-ids.json
  • Add the vehicle IDs provided by the agency to vehicle-ids.json. Assuming the agency has IDs 001, 002 and 003 the the file should look like this:
  • Update the values in agency-params.json to accomodate your agency. Options for triplist-generator-namefield:
    • headsign
    • route_short_name
    • route_long_name
    • shape_id
  • Create a new pull request containing updates to agency-params.json & vehicle-ids.json. Agency-params.json needs to be updated on the main branch in order to run the following command.
  • Within the gtfu directory, run the command java -cp build/libs/gtfu.jar -a <agency-id> -v. You can try different values for triplist-generator-namefield and triplist-generator-use-direction until the output looks good. Once the output is satisfactory, run the same command with the "-l" flag to update the trip-names.json file directly. The file will look something like this.
    {"route_name": "Valley West (Northbound) @ 1:59 pm", "trip_id": "t_1194609_b_26559_tn_0", "calendar": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], "departure_pos": {"lat": 40.780441, "long": -124.188820}},
    {"route_name": "Valley West (Northbound) @ 4:12 pm", "trip_id": "t_1194610_b_26559_tn_0", "calendar": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], "departure_pos": {"lat": 40.780441, "long": -124.188820}},
    {"route_name": "Valley West (Northbound) @ 5:07 pm", "trip_id": "t_1194611_b_26559_tn_0", "calendar": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], "departure_pos": {"lat": 40.780441, "long": -124.188820}},
    {"route_name": "Willow Creek (Eastbound) @ 8:25 am", "trip_id": "t_1522946_b_30738_tn_0", "calendar": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0], "departure_pos": {"lat": 40.868565, "long": -124.084099}},
    {"route_name": "Willow Creek (Eastbound) @ 8:25 am", "trip_id": "t_1522952_b_30738_tn_0", "calendar": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], "departure_pos": {"lat": 40.868565, "long": -124.084099}},
    {"route_name": "Willow Creek (Eastbound) @ 10:40 am", "trip_id": "t_1522950_b_30738_tn_0", "calendar": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], "departure_pos": {"lat": 40.868565, "long": -124.084099}},
    {"route_name": "Willow Creek (Eastbound) @ 3:45 pm", "trip_id": "t_1522945_b_30738_tn_0", "calendar": [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0], "departure_pos": {"lat": 40.874722, "long": -124.084763}},
    {"route_name": "Willow Creek (Eastbound) @ 5:40 pm", "trip_id": "t_1522951_b_30738_tn_0", "calendar": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], "departure_pos": {"lat": 40.868565, "long": -124.084099}}

  • Confirm that none of the calendar arrays are null. If they are, those routes will be hidden by default, and you should ask the agency to update the GTFS feed
  • Create a PR on the GRaaS repo containing these three new files. Since the web app refers to Github as a source of truth, merging this PR updates production.
  • Update the file live-agencies.txt, which lives on the GRaaS storage bucket, to include the agency-id TODO: Automatically perform this update

Create keys for agency

From graas/server/app-engine, run python -a <agency-id>. This uploads the public key to Google Cloud and generates a folder called <agency-id> with two files inside it: - id_ecdsa: private key. This is PRIVILEGED INFORMATION and needs to be kept confidential. - public key

  • Move this new agency key folder to the graas-agency-keys repo (or elsewhere if you prefer). This is privleged information and shouldn't live on the open-source repo.

  • Create a unique agency QR code, which encodes the private key, to be read by the GRaaS app. Generate the code by going to the graas/server/qr-gen directory and running ./ ../../../graas-agency-keys/<agency-id>/id_ecdsa "<nickname for agency>". This will save a file called "qr.png" to the qr-gen folder - you'll want to paste this into the onboarding docs provided to the agency. Since this QR code contains the private key, it should handled, shared and deleted carefully.

  • You can visit this page to confirm the key was added to Google datastore

Device Setup

  • On agency device, visit the web app and create "home screen shortcut" to this URL (e.g. for iOS see here)
  • Open web app via home screen. Grant camera access to the app and scan the agency QR code. This will save the private key to the device.
  • Press Start, then select an arbitrary route and vehicle and press Okay. Press Allow for the Location Services dialog that appears, then press the Stop button in the app.

Device Maintenance

All devices used for GPS data collection need to be rebooted once a week.

General troubleshooting

  • To check whether an agency is publishing data, run the command gcloud app logs tail
  • If the agency isn't seeing seeing any route results from the dropdown, confirm that they are starting the app while physically near the first stop (1/4 mile) and within 30 minutes of the start time. If it still isnt working, edit the parameters in agency-params.json (note that if they don't have parameters listed, the app defaults to some - you can see in app-engine/templates/staging.html line 1094).
  • If you need to get the logs for a given day, run the following command from venv within the app-engine directory: python -a <agency-id> -d MM/DD/YY -t > <agency-name>-MM-DD-YY.log