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The sections below outline in more detail the settings that you either must set or may want to override, and their purpose.

* Asterisk indicates a setting that you must set

App settings


The name of the agency that this server is deployed for


The name set on the Flask app


Value passed as a keyword argument for debug in


Value passed as a keyword argument for host in


The log level used for the server’s logging.

Database settings


See other configurable settings from Flask-SQLAlchemy.


The URI that should be used for database connection.

API settings

These settings configure access to the API endpoints on the server.


The header name that the server expects to see from authenticated/authorized requests.

See the Eligibility API’s documentation on Authentication/Authorization.


The header value that the server expects to see from authenticated/authorized requests.

See the Eligibility API’s documentation on Authentication/Authorization.


The header name that the server expects to see for the header containing the Eligibility Verification request token.

Eligibility Verification settings

These settings configure how the server parses, composes, and validates requests and responses according to the Eligibility API specification.


The path to the Eligibility Verification client’s public key, stored as a PEM text file. Used to verify the client’s request signature, and to encrypt the server’s response.

Can be a path to a local file or a remote URL. For URLs, a simple anonymous GET request is made.


The value used for enc in the JOSE header of the JWE.

See the Eligibility API’s documentation on Composing a message.


The value used for alg in the JOSE header of the JWE.

See the Eligibility API’s documentation on Composing a message.


The value used for alg in the JOSE header of the JWS

See the Eligibility API’s documentation on Composing a message.


The path to the server’s private key, stored as a PEM text file. Used to decrypt the client’s request and sign the server’s response.

Can be a path to a local file or a remote URL. For URLs, a simple anonymous GET request is made.


The path to the public key corresponding to the server’s private key, stored as a PEM text file. Used by clients to encrypt requests sent to this server.

Can be a path to a local file or a remote URL. For URLs, a simple anonymous GET request is made.


A regular expression that the request’s sub field must match.

Data settings


The path to file containing data to be imported into the server’s database. Must be CSV.


Must be one of the types available in the hashlib library’s algorithms_available function.

CSV-specific settings

When using a CSV import file, the following variables can be configured:


Specify a custom delimiter or use the default “,”


Specify a newline or use the default of “”


Specify a quote character or use the default of none


Default of 3 (no quotes)

These are the possible values for the CSV_QUOTING variable:

  • csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL: 0 - To be used when the CSV file has quotes around entries which contain special characters such as delimiters, quotechar or any of the characters in lineterminator
  • csv.QUOTE_ALL: 1 - To be used when all the values in the CSV file are present inside quotation marks
  • csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC: 2 - To be used when the CSV file uses quotes around non-numeric entries
  • csv.QUOTE_NONE: 3 - To be used when the CSV file does not use quotes around entries



Cal-ITP’s Sentry instance collects both errors (“Issues”) and app performance info.

Alerts are sent to #benefits-notify in Slack. Others can be configured.

You can troubleshoot Sentry itself by turning on debug mode and visiting /error/.

Enables sending events to Sentry.


Segments errors by which deployment they occur in. This defaults to local, and can be set to match one of the environment names.


Control the volume of transactions sent to Sentry. Value must be a float in the range [0.0, 1.0].

The default is 0.0 (i.e. no transactions are tracked).