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The eligibility-server is published as a Docker image on the GitHub Container Registry. It can be accessed from the repository package page.

Every push to the main (default) branch that changes files relevant to the application builds and updates the dev package, via the docker-publish GitHub Action.

Commits that are tagged with our version number format for release candidates and releases will update the test and prod packages, respectively.


All versions of the package may be viewed on the package all versions page.

The main (default) branch is published at the dev tag.

The official releases will be tagged with a version number.

Version number format

eligibility-server uses the CalVer versioning scheme, where version numbers for releases look like: YYYY.0M.R

  • YYYY is the 4-digit year of the release; e.g. 2021, 2022
  • 0M is the 2-digit, 0-padded month of the release; e.g. 02 is February, 12 is December.
  • R is the 1-based release counter for the given year and month; e.g. 1 for the first release of the month, 2 for the second, and so on.

Version numbers for release candidates append -rcR, where R is the 1-based release counter for the anticipated release. For example, the first release candidate for the 2024.01.1 release would be 2024.01.1-rc1.