Technical Onboarding

Technical Onboarding#

Bookmark this page for quick access to team resources


  • See below for list of our collaboration and analysis tools.

  • As part of your onboarding, privileges have already been created for you to access the resources below.

Non-Analyst Team Members

  • Any of the tools below are available to you as well!

If you still need help with access, use the information at the bottom of this page to get help.

Collaboration Tools:

Analytics Tools:

Python Libraries:

Caltrans Employee Resources:


Still need access to a non-Caltrans tool above?

Ask on the #services-team channel in the Cal-ITP Slack.

New Analyst Training Curriculum#

This is a rough guide to your first few weeks on our team:

  1. Week 1 – Introduction to Caltrans, Cal-ITP, and Division of Data & Digital Services: Includes non-technical 1:1 chats with the rest of the analyst team to meet and discuss ongoing and past projects. Also includes peer-guided introduction to transit data and transportation grants concepts.

  2. Weeks 1-2 – Technical onboarding (GitHub, JupyterHub, Google products): Includes working through an example push/pull/commit workflow with your Personal README.

  3. Weeks 2-3 – Introduction to our data: Includes learning what is in and how to access our data warehouse and Airtable, with Python and in Metabase. Also includes basic data visualization concepts.

  4. Weeks 4-5 – Python training curriculum: Includes foundational concepts and team-specific starter kit exercises.

  5. 6-Month mark – Option to explore intermediate Python concepts with more tutorials.