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OAuth settings

Benefits can be configured to require users to authenticate with an OAuth Open ID Connect (OIDC) provider, before allowing the user to begin the Eligibility Verification process.

This section describes the related settings and how to configure the application to enable this feature.


Authlib docs

Read more about configuring Authlib for Django

Benefits uses the open-source Authlib for OAuth and OIDC client implementation. See the Authlib docs for more details about what features are available. Specifically, from Authlib we:

  1. Create an OAuth client using the Django configuration
  2. Call client.authorize_redirect() to send the user into the OIDC server’s authentication flow, with our authorization callback URL
  3. Upon the user returning from the OIDC Server with an access token, call client.authorize_access_token() to get a validated id token from the OIDC server

Django configuration

OAuth settings are configured as instances of the AuthProvider model.

The data migration file contains sample values for an AuthProvider configuration. You can set values for a real Open ID Connect provider in environment variables so that they are used instead of the sample values.

Django usage

The benefits.oauth.client module defines helpers for registering OAuth clients, and creating instances for use in e.g. views.

  • oauth is an authlib.integrations.django_client.OAuth instance

Consumers call benefits.oauth.client.create_client(oauth, provider) with the name of a client to obtain an Authlib client instance. If that client name has not been registered yet, _register_provider(oauth_registry, provider) uses data from the given AuthProvider instance to register the client into this instance and returns the client object.