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Test Eligibility Verification server

A basic eligibility verification server is available for testing. The server code is available on GitHub, with its own set of documentation.

Running locally

docker compose up [-d] server

The optional -d flag will start in detatched mode and allow you to continue using the terminal session. Otherwise your terminal will be attached to the container’s terminal, showing the startup and runtime output.

The API server is running on http://localhost at a port dynamically assigned by Docker. See Docker dynamic ports for more information on accessing the server on localhost.

From within another Compose service container, the server is at http://server:5000 using the service-forwarding features of Compose.

In either case, the endpoint /verify serves as the Eligibility Verification API endpoint.

In the Devcontainer

When running the Devcontainer, the server is automatically started.

See Docker dynamic ports for more information on accessing the server on localhost.

The server is accessible from within the Devcontainer at its Compose service address: http://server:5000.