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Key Terms


Records are the base of Hubspot, and are apart of all objects with Hubspot. Our records top line is the transit provider or organization and contains all the activity that has occurred with that organization. Creating records enables us to find information on organization or provider’s relationships. Once created, you can store information such as individual contact information, documents, meeting notes, last activity and any custom properties we have assigned. R Records are continually updated and maintained by all users whether that be updating contact information, merged agencies or activity that would be relevant to other user’s understanding and workflows.


Objects are categories of information. Hubspot builds out from four main categories: contacts, companies, deals and tickets; we also have the ability to add custom objects to reflect data we would like to see and report on.


Properties are the fields within an object. For example, if our object is contacts, our properties would be name, email address, phone number, etc. Properties can also be customized. You can add a new property to Hubspot through the request a new property template in Github.